Any product which contains liquid will be classified as sensitive goods. Flammable liquid is strictly prohibited.
Any product which have magnetic component will be classified as sensitive goods.
Any product which is operated by battery (cell, conventional or rechargeable) is classified as sensitive goods.
Any product, no matter authentic or replica, which brand is under customs export or import control are sensitive goods.
Any appliance which have motor or generate electricity are sensitive goods.
Anything which is in powder, paste and granular form are sensitive goods.
Anything which apply on skin or contact body is classified as senstive goods.
Any electronic which have integrated circuit (processor, microchip, memory) is classified as sensitive goods.
Anything religious by definition is sensitive goods. Anything related to satanic cult is prohibited.
All food (fresh, raw, cooked and processed) and medicine (spray, powder, pill and syrup) are sensitive goods. Perishable and meat products (canned, cooked and processed) are strictly prohibited.